Monday, August 16, 2010

Types of sentences

You remember that when you have a sentence, the basic core is the subject and the predicate (what is said of the subject). The core of the predicate is the verb or verbs.

Let's take something more difficult -- a section of a poem:

The night was moonless—Judah's shepherds kept
Their starlight watch—their flocks around them slept.
To heaven's blue fields their wakeful eyes were turned,
And to the fires that there eternal burned.
Those azure regions had-been peopled long,
With Fancy's children, by the sons of song—
And there, the simple shepherd, conning o'er
His humble pittance of Chaldean lore,
Saw, in the stillness of a starry nigkt,
The Swan and Eagle wing their silent flight; *
Try to find the subject of each sentence or complete section of the sentence (this is called a clause, as you might remember). Bold the subjects and italicize the verbs, or color-code. I don't expect you to get it 100%.

Now let's go on to the other types of sentences

Go on to NEXT Section

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